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Muscle Car Damaged In Flood Finds New Life In Assabet Classroom

Floods and tornadoes hit the Detroit area in September, damaging a lot of new Ford Mustangs. One of the cars is coming to Marlborough. A Ford supercar damaged in storms in the Detroit area has been brought to Assabet Valley Regional Vocational School in Massachusetts to teach students at the school. The 2024 Ford Mustang was brought from Michigan via Acton Ford and will be used as teaching materials for students in the collision repair program. Students will have the rare opportunity to work on the car, which costs $70,000.

Muscle Car Damaged In Flood Finds New Life In Assabet Classroom

Published : 2 months ago by Neal McNamara in Weather Auto

MARLBOROUGH, MA — A Ford supercar badly damaged in storms that hit the Detroit area in September will have a second life as teaching material for students at Assabet Valley Regional Vocational School.

The 2024 Ford Mustang was brought to the school from Michigan via Acton Ford. Students in the school's collision repair program will get the rare chance to get hands-on experience working on a $70,000 muscle car.

"This has been an amazing opportunity and a great way to gain real-world experience," Assabet senior and Hudson resident Brendan Demelo said in a news release. "Everyone at Ford is great and I'm thankful to have had this opportunity."

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